Do you…?
A. Send an email “setting them straight.”
B. Determine that the bad situation will never work out.
C. Try to persuade them of your point of view.
D. Attempt to force a solution just to get past the awkwardness.
E. Let wounded pride turn to hatred.
If your final opinion is resentment, YOU (not the other person) will suffer.
You can’t change another person. The challenge is to change your reaction.
The following advice was given to me: Allow them to go their way. Carry on with your life, but don’t give them up as hopeless.
Still, it hurts when you split with people that you used to admire. What do YOU do?
If you have suggestions, please post them below.
Thanks. – Shar McBee
“God grant me the serentity
to accept the people I cannot change,
the courage to change the one I can,
and the wisdom to know it’s me.”
Author Unknown, variation of an excerpt from “The Serenity Prayer” by Reinhold Neibuhr
Acknowledge your own hurt feelings but allow yourself to let go of the feelings. Realize that the other is responsible for their own life and actions. If this is a treasured relationship, then invest the time to find out if this person is hurting. Meanwhile, go forward with your life, work, duties and treat others with the respect & care that you expect. Be firm based on principals rather than personalities. Most of all, forgive the other and yourself.
A wise lady told me once ” Don’t let the mean, make you mean. Don’t let the sick make you sick. Don;t let the bad make you bad. And don’t let anyone blow black smoke on your blue skies.” Great advice!