Leadership Training: To Lead is to Serve

Breakthrough Leadership Training in Los Angeles based on “To Lead is to Serve.”

Hello.  Welcome. 
I’m Shar McBee, the author of “To Lead is to Serve.”

 There is a story in theTalmud about a king and his son. They loved each other very much but they could not get along. So, the prince left home and went far away.

After a while, word came back that the prince was not doing well. The king sent a message to his son: “Come home.”

But the prince was too proud. He sent a message, “I cannot.”

 So the king sent another message:  “Just turn around. Come as far as you can. I will meet you wherever you are.”

This is what it means to lead by serving.  He did not say “I will meet you half way.”  He said, “I will meet you wherever you are.

For leadership training in Los Angeles:   Joy of Leadership .com

Learning the “To Lead is to Serve” method will expand your sphere of influence.  It will expand your mindfulness. When you pursue clarity and wisdom, without even being aware of it, you become an inspiring,
positive example that others will emulate.

 You become strong and yet you remain humble…strong enough to be gentle and accept people as they are.

 Your career will rise to new heights.  As you rise, you gain a better vantage point, a better view of the vista. 

You also make yourself more noticeable to those below. You see and are
You help others find their way.

 “To Lead is to Serve”  leadership training in Los Angeles is not a quick fix. (Even though most find instant improvement.) Implementing new ideas, like all new ventures, are accompanied with inherent chaos. 

Learn from these early obstacles. Don’t let friction discourage you. Friction on guitar strings makes beautiful music.  The ability to overcome obstacles is the mark of a successful leader.  When people watch you do this, you become somone they want to follow.

Learning the “To Lead is to Serve” method helps you develop discipline.  Like a north star, it shows you when you are getting off course.  Also like the north star, it lets you meander off course and then find your way home. 

Discipline will bring you success; but limits that are too binding will bring self-defeat. When you use “To Lead is to Serve” as your north star (by asking yourself “Does this serve?”)  it limits your options and returns your attention to priorities.

At the same time, it gives you flexibility, regulation not restriction, a resiliency and durability that lets you remain firmly on course.

Almost any strong leader will tell you that persistence brings success.  The ability to endure is essential.  Which is why “To Lead is to Serve” means you,
too.  If you burn out and exhaust yourself, who can you serve?

Persistence is not rigidity.  Endurance requires flexibility that lets you adjust your sails, and adapt to hostile conditions while still remaining true to your core.

Can you maintain your integrity under adverse circumstances? 

If so, people will want to follow you.  They will want to help you achieve your goals. 

“To Lead is to Serve” helps you align yourself to the flow. 
When you are able to go with the flow, you are helped, not hindered, by adversity. 

Your goals are realized because you are no longer swimming upstream, climbing uphill.  When you relax and surrender to allowing help
from fate, you attain a spontaneous sense of what can and cannot be, and align your efforts accordingly.

You make your position correct. This puts your path to success on a firm footing.

 I gave the title “To Lead is to Serve” to a book I wrote thirty years ago, yet the advice is timeless.  This avatar series (as seen in the YouTube
video above) is my new way of presenting the book’s leadership principles and stories.

“To Lead is to Serve” is an ancient and timeless leadership lesson. It has been stated in many languages throughout the ages and all over the world.

 In China , the I Ching states, “To rule truly is to serve.”

 In Italy, Saint Francis of Assisi said, “It is in giving that we receive.”

 The Uanishads, ancient texts of India, say, “If you want to be happy, be giving.”

 Jesus taught the lesson of “To lead is to serve” saying, “The greatest amongst you is servant of all.”

 When applied, this principle creates an energetic and loyal work force, which is priceless. Most significantly, it can fortify your leaders and prevent burn-out. Using the “To Lead Is To Serve” method and its guidelines will enab leyou to inspire workers to achieve beyond the call of duty.

 It will help them to release their creativity and remain loyal to your organization.  It will help you to attract and keep good employees.


For leadership training in Los Angeles:

Joy of Leadership .com