Fundraising for Startups Mentoring

This mentoring program is unconventional but it works. Shar McBee has been helping people with fundraising for over 30 years. She can help you, too.

Like a hot air balloon, you will rise to new heights. You’ll cast off the heavy sandbags of fundraising pressure and feel the lightness that comes when you have the help of an expert.

With Shar you will have heart-to-heart exchanges about your specific situation. You will exchange ideas and feelings and be invigorated and encouraged to reach new heights.

Whatever stage you are in, seed, angel, venture capital, etc., if you can get clear about what you want and be open to Shar’s mentoring:
• You will lighten up about fundraising and feel confident to meet with investors.
• You will learn to tell your story in a deep and meaningful way (so that the right backers for your project will be able to find you.)
• You will have created stories about your startup that capture investor interest and illustrate how you will make them a lot of money.

Shar can guide you because she has been helping people raise money for 30 years. She can spot what is missing quickly. The changes that you need to make are probably quite small…but most people don’t do them. They have a lifetime of doing it the hard way. What is needed is a kind of re-wiring in the way that people think about fundraising.

Everything can change as a result of making a small shift. People need guidance and mentoring to help them implement this small change.

• You have already raised some funding, but it is not enough.
• You have the requirements in place for startups, but you are stuck.
• You have a good offer, but it is not taking off.

Contact us about mentoring for your Startup Fundraising: 917-575-5487