When people feel included, they support you.
When people feel excluded, they undermine you.
If you make your decisions at the top,
don’t assume those below will implement them.
When you want people to “buy in” – listen to them.
Let them give you advice. Let them add their ideas.
Let them talk. Because people remember what THEY
say more than what YOU tell them. – Shar McBee
PS I’d like to “include” you as my friend on Facebook.
To be my friend: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shar-McBee/94712870749#!/profile.php?id=1419623208&ref=ts
To join the “To Lead is to Serve’ group: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shar-McBee/94712870749#!/group.php?gid=102173708872&ref=ts