Leadership services in Orange County
Management does not have to mean misery. If you are dedicated to doing a good job, if you supervise people, these leadership training programs are for you.
New managers often feel isolated. Yet new managers rarely ask for help. Before they are promoted, many expect that advancement into management will result in accolades and a sense of accomplishment. Instead, they find themselves feeling tired and alone. Frustrated when people don’t cooperate, they ditch their dreams. Discouraged when employees become a challenge, some quit the company they had previously loved. When they lose control and nobody is listening, many capable new managers morph into screaming meanies.
Stop! Don’t do it. Don’t you dare become the big, bad boss? It has been said that people are promoted to their level of incompetence. Don’t believe it. You are competent. When you are feeling disrespected and harassed, don’t give up. In spite of everything, you can be a successful manager. You just need assistance in dealing with the most valuable and important component of your new position – the people.
The goal of this leadership development program is to inspire you to be the leader you want to be by offering you simple, concrete solutions to everyday challenges. How do you create cooperation? What makes people give you support? How do you turn reluctant employees into willing participants? Our leadership workshops address these issues and more perplexing, challenging, and illusive management mysteries.
As a leader, we would like you to receive what you deserve – respect and admiration. The main objective of our leadership workshops is to empower you and others, and to renew and expand your potential.
Executive coaches thrive with our method and refer CEO’s to us again and again because they get results right away. Our unique approach combines yoga with leadership development. Our founder, Shar McBee left a great job and went to India. In a small village ashram, she found balance, and was no longer subject to the whims of every passing storm. Later she became a bestselling author and internationally acclaimed keynote speaker. You don’t have to travel to India. You don’t even have to get down on a yoga mat. You will learn yoga to do it at your desk. Changing your body, even just your breathing, will change the way people relate to you.