Leadership and Love

It’s Holy Week, a good time to talk about love. Love is something we don’t usually talk about on this blog, or in connection with leadership. But we should.

Love can do anything…and I mean anything.

A little boy was labeled mentally-retarded, and then grew up to be a CEO. He credits “selfless love.”

Selfless love invisibly supports people. It pulls them toward the potential within themselves. Selfless love is patient; it gives space; it allows people to become as great as they can be.

As a motivational speaker, I attend a lot of leadership conferences. Nobody talks about love. (Maybe they are afraid of lawsuits? Who knows.) So I was amazed when Lester Strong told me this story.

In the 2 minute video Lester Strong, CEO of Experience Corps, a division of AARP, shares his story and tells 3 ways to be “selfless” in love. – Shar McBee

To read the full article in Huffington Post, click here: Why Volunteer with Children? Here’s why.

4 thoughts on “Leadership and Love”

  1. Shar, thank you for posting this video. As we celebrate hope and resurrection this week, Mr. Strong’s message of love and seeing the potential in others was particularly poignant.

    Thank you so much for continuing to inspire me with your blogs. I wish for you a very happy Easter.

    With respect and affection,

    Cynthia from Atlanta

  2. Thank you Shar for this wonderful tip. I really believe that with love everything is possible. As we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, let “love” be in our mind everywhere especially when we are call to lead other.
    Happy Easter to you Shar. May the joy of Easter bring you more knowledge and wisdom to continue sharing your tips with us.

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